NaNoWriMo 2006
Also known as the National Novel Writing Month. Which is in November.
I have decided to participate this year after hesitating to do so for the past couple of years. The plot is set. The characters are beautiful. The timing is planned. What is left to do is to actually get down to business and write.
I shall not update my blog with any new entries. Even if I have chanced upon writing any new entries, I shall put them on hold till the month is done. Because I want to focus on this project. No, actually, I am just anal; I want this post to appear on the top always until I am done.
However, I am going to swing by regularly to update on the word count. Let you in on my shameless progress. Unfortunately, you will not be able to read what I have written. I am mean like that. Yet I will. I am such a tease. I may want to set up a website for the story, if I foresee possible prospects.
Fingers crossed for me.
ETA: Sadly to say. This is as far as I got. See you in December. I will start posting here again.
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